Tablet War '2011'

Tablet war is heating up in Asia as companies from China, South Korea and Taiwan challenge the dominance of Apple's iPad on features and price.
Asia is a major battleground because of the presence of alternatives offered by top global brands like Samsung, Acer, Toshiba, HTC, Apple, Motorola, Blackberry, Notion Adam and blah blah
By one estimate, Asia will account for about a third of tablet sales by 2015, triggering a race for market share by big and unknown brands alike.

When one company rolls out freaky gadget it tries to make it unique from the existing ones to belittle the ones in peer group but then it becomes difficult for us to choose between them. At this point when Apple is here with the slim iPad2 you surely would be puzzled as to which would be the ideal pick; the latest most hyped gadget or others from its peer group.
Everyone is talking about the Apple’s iPad 2,  its cool features and how it enhances the user’s experience and lots more. To break the monotony, I thought of coming up with an article that would not simply leave you bored  of reading all the more similar stuff.
Android tablets are the in strong competition with the iPad2 launched just recently. Some or the other way you will be getting the edge over the other, either you go for Apple OS or Android OS..... 
You will find some major players in this Android Segment with their flagships. HTC with its Flyer, Samsung with its Galaxy Tab series, Motorola with its Xoom, LG with its Optimus Black Pad to mention out the few
But the choice becomes tougher when you get the Blackberry Playbook amidst the two! And the Tablet war moves on and on and on.....
The tablet space is heating up in a big way, we have come across many and lot more amazing deals are awaiting their launch. We will strive to bring much more details about the ongoing Tablet War and its new upbringings.... Till Then Stay Connected!!!!


Anonymous said...

hope you et the right Tablet for yourself

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