Apple iPad 2 vs Rivals (PART 1)

With the CES event in Las Vegas at the start of this year, it had been quite apparent that tablets would feature highly alongside smartphones with many Tablets being chained-up to release in 2011. With so many options in your hand, you are bound to be confused regarding the actual facts of the tablets. We are here to help you compare top 6 rivals of iPad 2 which will compete in 2011 Tablet market.....

How does Apple’s new tablet compare with the Motorola Xoom, LG Optimus G Pad, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, the HP TouchPad and the RIM BlackBerry PlayBook?

Truely Speaking, the Apple iPad 2 doesn't do much more than keep pace with its tablet rivals. Here are the 6 Gadgets on the board of Comparison. In the first part we will be comparing Motorola XOOM and LG Optimus G Pad:

 1.)Motorola Xoom:
First up is the Motorola Xoom, which has a mighty spec sheet that could send the iPad 2 packing if paired with the right apps. A super-fast 1GHz dual-core processor pretty much matches the iPad 2's 1.2GHz dual-core offering, as does upgradeable connectivity to the 4G LTE network. Flash too is supported through Android Honeycomb, Google's made-for-tablets OS. 
Just like the iPad 2, the Xoom features front and rear cameras, capable of 720p HD recording, though the Xoom again wins out with 5 MP still imaging (the iPad 2 manages less than 1MP). However, a dearth of Android 3.0 apps, with few mobile apps optimised for Honeycomb, means the iPad 2 is vastly superior in the software stakes. And in pricing too; iPad 2's start at $499, the Xoom only comes in one $799 flavour.

Operating System
Apple's iPad 2 comes with the latest version of iOS, version 4.3, which includes a raft of improvements and new features, such as the extension of AirPlay privileges to third-party developers, personal hotspot functionality and new and improved soft keyboard support, but at its core the OS is still very much the same, user-friendly piece of software that it has always been.

Conversely the LG Optimus Pad's Android 3.0 OS has undergone an overhaul to make it 100 per cent tablet-friendly, including its new 'holographic' looking UI and persistent system bar, which will keep you up-to-date with the latest notifications.

While both platforms have their merits, we're more excited about what Google is trying to achieve with Honeycomb and the open ethos of the OS leaves a lot more room for modification and growth.

The Optimus Pad comes with plenty of connectivity options, including a micro USB port, HDMI-out, SD card slot, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi b,g,n & DLNA and HSDPA and HSUPA, so you'll have no problem connecting to the outside world or getting content onto your tablet and off again.

Apple's take on the subject of connectivity is a little more closed affair, as the iPad 2 features only Bluetooth, Wi-Fi b,g,n, mirrored HDMI-out and HSDPA and HSUPA, so you'll be fine connecting to the web or streaming your media to your big-screen display, but you'll have to rely solely on iTunes to get third-party content onto your device in the first place.

Apple's iPad 2 features the same stunning 9.7-inch LED-backlit IPS display as the original iPad, and is a joy to use. It comes with support for multi-touch gestures (which have been expanded in version 4.3 of iOS) and is scratch and fingerprint resistant, and also features an oleophobic coating to prevent the oil in your skin from messing up your screen!

The Optimus Pad features a similarly well-appointed display, which measure 8.9-inches but boasts one impressive feature that the iPad 2 does not: 3D support! While the addition of 3D is a nice novelty it isn't a massive draw for us (with its current level of support) but it's a nice, future proof feature to have.

Apple's new device comes with 0.7-megapixel primary and VGA video-call cameras, making it a vast improvement on the original iPad but not in the same league as the Optimus Pad, which comes packing dual 5-megapixel cameras capable of stereoscopic image capture, LED flash, autofocus and 1080P video capture, compared to the iPad 2's 720P. The Optimus Pad can, however, also capture 3D video at 720P and also features a separate front-facing camera for all of your video conferencing needs.

There is no doubt that the iPad 2 is a far superior piece of hardware to the original iPad. Apple has included a dual-core A5 chip, clocked at 1GHz, which offers double the performance of the original device and, if marketing blurb can be believed, up to nine times the graphics capability.

Like its predecessor the device comes in 16,32 and 64GB flavours. There's no word yet on installed memory.

LG's Optimus Pad runs on nVidia's prestigious Tegra 2 chipset, which boasts lightening fast graphical performance and a dual-core 1GHz CPU. Like the iPad 2, it comes in 16, 32 and 64GB sizes and also boasts 1GB of installed RAM.

Apple's updated hardware will inevitably run exceedingly well, as the boffins at Apple know how to get the best out of their hardware but, on paper and in terms of raw power, the Optimus Pad is the bigger hitter of the two.

Infographic: Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 vs. Apple iPad 2 vs. HP TouchPad vs. LG G-Slate
By Ian Thackston of (used just for representation)

We will be comparing the remaining Tablets soon.........
Keep Watching this Space........

iPad 2 Price and Deals in India (from US).....

While Apple iPad2 is yet to launch in India, one can wait for official launch, but if you are impatient geek enough to buy it from anybody who can sell you an imported iPad 2....
You've no choice than going to Ebay for it....
BTW you might need to empty a huge sum from your pocket to buy an imported version and yet everything is at your risk (coz it will be equal to buying from "Grey market").

What if anybody is still keen to bear the risk(although it's not that much risky now-a-days).....?
Well here we are to rescue you with some of the Best Deals on Apple Ipad 2nd Generation in India & we will take efforts to keep you alert regarding best deals available on the web......
We are currently undertaking market analysis for iPad 2 and will be posting our results soon.
Just tell us How do you find this idea and keep replying & we will find deals for you!!!
You can also contribute us to find various deals.....

1) Buy from
This is the place which guarantees delivery within 6-8 weeks and is providing you with three varients at better & competitive prices.....visit this URL to order

iPad2 16GB
iPad 2 16GB (Wi-Fi)

16GB flash drive capacity
9.7-inch widescreen display
Multi-Touch screen

Rs 36,500.00
Add to Cart

iPad2 32GB
iPad 2 32GB (Wi-Fi)

32GB flash drive capacity
9.7-inch widescreen display
Multi-Touch screen

Rs 42,900.00
Add to Cart

iPad2 64GB
iPad 2 64GB (Wi-Fi)

64GB flash drive capacity
9.7-inch widescreen display
Multi-Touch screen

Rs 49,500.00
Add to Cart

2) Buy from

You can easily buy Ipad 2 from Ebay India either through Global EasyBuy or from Indian Resellers.
Here are the various Deals on iPad 2 presently listed on this URL to see the deals.
Here you can find ipads starting from Rs.36000 to Rs.85000

3) Buy From
Though you will find majority of iPad accessories listed on this site, you will find few deals on iPad 2.
Visit this URL to check for the deals.

4) Buy Apple iPad using US Credit Card and Ship from US to India.
Another way to buy apple iPad is to first buy it using US credit card and an US shipping address and then ship it from US to India. You can read more about it here on how to buy and ship it to India.
This can be help you to buy it from reliable stores like Amazon and other popular US sites.

What we found is that, you can buy iPad 2 starting from Rs.35000 which means you have to pay about 20% to 30% excess price than the original iPad 2. But it includes shipping charges from USA as well as all other duties and this makes the price go up, yet some of the Apple fans may find it reasonable to pay this for a new imported iPad 2, than waiting for Indian launch.But personally we do believe that ordering through Ebay Global Easybuy would be better and guaranteed. You can also opt for as it is another popular site now-a-days.

We will keep this post updating and will try to keep you informed about all the new deals...
Keep Replying and help us to keep you informed.......

Apple Inc may have sold as many as 500,000 iPad 2 computers after retail outlets ran out of the tablet-style device on its debut weekend, said Piper Jaffray Cos analyst Gene Munster.

Seemingly under pressure with just two months from the launch of original iPad, Apple India has also announced Rs 3,000 (close to $75) cut approximately on each model of iPad original. The revised prices for the first generation iPad are as follows in India:

* 16GB Wi-Fi: Rs 24,500 (earlier price: Rs 27,900)

* 16GB 3G+Wi-Fi Rs 31,900 (earlier price: Rs 34,900)

* 32GB Wi-Fi Rs 29,500 (earlier price: Rs 32,900)

* 32GB 3G+Wi-Fi Rs 36,900 (earlier price: Rs 39,900)

* 64GB Wi-Fi Rs 34,500 (earlier price: Rs 37,900)

* 64GB 3G+Wi-Fi Rs 41,900 (earlier price: Rs 44,900) 

Whats New for You in i-Pad2.........

With Apple iPad 2 going to be in your hand from 11th MARCH (only in US though!!) Apple Fan-boys have gone nuts again! But this time craze with i-Pad2 will miss the pre-order facility, since apple will make it direct sale on the Big-Day!

But the question remains What is there new in iPad 2 that will make you go nuts???

"When Apple’s original iPad was released around this time last year, the device not only created the biggest buzz in the tech world. It also defined a new category of gadget. But as enthusiastic as reviewers and early adopters of the device were, consistent criticisms surfaced as well. The iPad’s lack of USB or Ethernet ports and glossy screen were consistently cited as shortcomings, for example."- The Hindu

Similarity Between i-Pad Original and iPad 2:

1)Basically speaking i-Pad 2 Base model comes with the same pricing as original iPad.....Yeah just $499 and thats it. So no cons about that.

2)Apple has not made any efforts on its screen and new iPad 2 has same 9.7inch LED-Backlit IPS LCD screen with the same 1024x 768 resolution.

3)Storage remains unchanged with 3 variants 16GB, 32GB & 64GB. Again no memory extension possible like SD-Slot.

4)Other features like 1Ghz Processor, WiFi, Bluetooth 2.1, Accelerometer are intact as well.

NOTABLE Differnces in new iPad 2:

1)All new and better dual-core A5 processor at the heart of the device, which Apple claims is twice as fast as the previous iPad.

2)Improved Graphics Performance with apple claiming 9x smoother graphics....more powerful graphics designed to do justice to fast-moving games.......

3)Most interesting and most awaited, Integrated Dual-Cameras -- one on the front and one on the back. You can now use your iPad 2 camera to capture your image for the purposes of video chats or Skype video sessions.

4)The 2nd Gen iPad Comes with iOS 4.3 (the latest version), promising faster mobile browsing and better user experience etc.

5)Apple claims improved battery life with an extra 1 hour backup than the previous iPad.

6)One thing that owners of the previous generation procured for their device -- a cover for the screen -- and included one with the unit. No more handling worries....

7)It has a built-in 3-axis Gyroscope that enables advanced gaming. What the heck for? We already have better-designed mobile gaming consoles for crying out loud!

8)Supports HDMI Video Mirroring, allowing users to stream media on HDTV.But, it requires the use of an optional adapter and you have to pay for that.

Hope this is sufficient for most people out there but Apple must bring much more innovative features to keep its fans going nuts.......with it's next iPad plans......
Till then, to enjoy your iPad 2 get in the queue before the 11th March.......

What Steve Jobs Says....

On Wednesday Steve Jobs made the world surprise with launch of iPad 2.
Here is a glimpse of what Jobs said on the launching event:

  • "Most other tablets aren't even catching up with first iPad, but we're not resting on our laurels - so we're bringing you the iPad 2. It's not a tweaked design - it's completely new. It's packing an A5 chip, with dual core processors, two lightning fast CPUs, and we've really gone all out on the graphics performance, delivering a nine times improvement. We also think we'll be the first dual-core tablet to ship in volume."

  • "We have 55,000 apps tuned for the iPad; compare that to our competitors, who at most have 100 apps at launch, and I think we're being a little generous there.For those that have iPhone 4, the new iPad 2 is thinner than that. It's incredibly thin, feels totally different - especially when you consider that all the other tablets that are coming out are mostly thicker than the original iPad."

  • "It's an amazing product; faster, lighter, thinner, comes with cameras and gyroscope, the new iOS 4.3 with built-in Facetime and Photobooth, and iMovie and Garageband for only $4.99 each in the App Store."

  • "It has the same 10 hours battery life, same prices, starting at $499, will be offered in black and white, we've got smart covers - overall, we think 2011 is the year of iPad 2."

  • "We've got the organisation to build these types of products, and we stand a great chance of being competitive in this market. And thank you very much to our fans out there, who make it possible to work our tails off making great products for us."

So are you ready for the all new iPad 2 !!!

Finally the wait is about to over and Apple is going to launch the it's next hi-tech and much awaited Apple iPad 2 on 11th day of March 2011. As per the Apple and Other sources the iPad 2 is set to burn the floor with it's exceptional pricing that will set in the compitition in Tabs World....

"iPad 2 looks like a great upgrade over the original iPad.  iPad 2  is thinner, lighter, and faster than the original iPad.  Perhaps the biggest surprise is that it is going to be available in just 9 days."-

Once you pick up iPad 2, it’ll be hard to put down. That’s the idea behind the all-new design. It’s 33 per cent thinner and up to 15 per cent lighter, so it feels even more comfortable in your hands.1 And it makes surfing the web, checking email, watching films and reading books so natural, you might forget there’s incredible technology under your fingers.

We tried to analyze the features of iPad 2 that will surely lure you and here is what Apple claims:

The Hardware Specs

On stage, Jobs touted the new design for the iPad 2:
  • It's 33% thinner and 15% lighter than the original iPad, but the screen size remains the same.
  • Apple says the battery life will be unchanged - up to 10 hours.
  • It will feature a dual-core A5 processor.
  • The iPad 2 will have two cameras. The front-facing VGA camera for FaceTime and a rear-facing camera that will capture 720p HD video.
  • The new device will come in 2 colors. Oh yes. The mythical white iPad will be available on the first day of sales, says Jobs.
  • The iPad 2 will run on both AT&T and Verizon's 3G networks.
  • It includes a new Smart Cover that offers screen protection and doubles as a stand.
  • A built-in gyro.
  • HDMI video mirroring, which will let you mirror your iPad screen on an HDTV.

The Operating System

The iPad 2 will come with iOS 4.3, the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system. Its features include:
  • Faster Safari mobile browsing performance.
  • iTunes Home Sharing (finally).
  • Better AirPlay.
  • The choice to use the side switch as either a mute button or to lock the screen rotation.
  • A personal hotspot to share an iPhone 4's data connection over Wi-Fi (provided it's supported by your carrier, of course).

So what is unique in the iPad 2....

Two cameras. And a big hello to FaceTime for iPad.

You’ll see two cameras on iPad — one on the front and one on the back. They may be tiny, but they’re a big deal. They’re designed for FaceTime video calling, and they work together so you can talk to your favourite people and see them smile and laugh back at you.3 The front camera puts you and your friend face-to-face. Switch to the back camera during your video call to share where you are, who you’re with or what’s going around you. If it’s worth filming, let the back camera roll. It’s HD, so every movie you shoot is a mini-masterpiece. And you can take wacky snapshots in Photo Booth. It’s the most fun a face can have.

iPad Smart Cover. Designed for iPad. And vice versa.

iPad 2 and the iPad Smart Cover are made for each other. Literally. We designed the iPad Smart Cover to work side-by-side with iPad — and on top and underneath it too. Smart magnetic technology built into each really pulls them together. The iPad Smart Cover falls perfectly into place and stays put to protect your iPad screen, yet doesn’t add bulk to its thin, light design. Open the Smart Cover and your iPad wakes up instantly. Close it and your iPad goes to sleep automatically. And here’s another smart part: it transforms into the perfect film-watching, game-playing, web-surfing stand. It comes in 9 bright colours — including four in rich, aniline-dyed Italian leather. Choose your favourite, and your iPad will be smart all round.


iPad 2 definitely looks like a worthy upgrade over the original iPad. But unlike the original iPad, Apple's new tablet will face real competition in both the consumer and business markets. Motorola's highly-touted Xoom, one of many Android 3.0-based slates expected to ship this year, will be available this week from Verizon Wireless. The Galaxy Tab 10.1, a larger version of Samsung's original 7-inch tablet, debuted last week at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. It also runs Android 3.0 and will ship in some markets in June.

Meanwhile, Research In Motion (RIM) plans to launch versions of its 7-inch PlayBook tablet for LTE (Long-Term Evolution) and 3G HSPA+ networks by the end of the year.WiMax and Wi-Fi editions of Playbook should be available next month. And Hewlett-Packard will ship its WebOS-based TouchPad tablet this summer.
With much improved hardware yet the same exact prices as the last generation iPad, Apple should continue to dominate the tablet space. We are definitely excited about iPad 2.

Exceptional Pricing of iPad 2:

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