Apple Inc may have sold as many as 500,000 iPad 2 computers after retail outlets ran out of the tablet-style device on its debut weekend, said Piper Jaffray Cos analyst Gene Munster.

Seemingly under pressure with just two months from the launch of original iPad, Apple India has also announced Rs 3,000 (close to $75) cut approximately on each model of iPad original. The revised prices for the first generation iPad are as follows in India:

* 16GB Wi-Fi: Rs 24,500 (earlier price: Rs 27,900)

* 16GB 3G+Wi-Fi Rs 31,900 (earlier price: Rs 34,900)

* 32GB Wi-Fi Rs 29,500 (earlier price: Rs 32,900)

* 32GB 3G+Wi-Fi Rs 36,900 (earlier price: Rs 39,900)

* 64GB Wi-Fi Rs 34,500 (earlier price: Rs 37,900)

* 64GB 3G+Wi-Fi Rs 41,900 (earlier price: Rs 44,900) 


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