What Steve Jobs Says....

On Wednesday Steve Jobs made the world surprise with launch of iPad 2.
Here is a glimpse of what Jobs said on the launching event:

  • "Most other tablets aren't even catching up with first iPad, but we're not resting on our laurels - so we're bringing you the iPad 2. It's not a tweaked design - it's completely new. It's packing an A5 chip, with dual core processors, two lightning fast CPUs, and we've really gone all out on the graphics performance, delivering a nine times improvement. We also think we'll be the first dual-core tablet to ship in volume."

  • "We have 55,000 apps tuned for the iPad; compare that to our competitors, who at most have 100 apps at launch, and I think we're being a little generous there.For those that have iPhone 4, the new iPad 2 is thinner than that. It's incredibly thin, feels totally different - especially when you consider that all the other tablets that are coming out are mostly thicker than the original iPad."

  • "It's an amazing product; faster, lighter, thinner, comes with cameras and gyroscope, the new iOS 4.3 with built-in Facetime and Photobooth, and iMovie and Garageband for only $4.99 each in the App Store."

  • "It has the same 10 hours battery life, same prices, starting at $499, will be offered in black and white, we've got smart covers - overall, we think 2011 is the year of iPad 2."

  • "We've got the organisation to build these types of products, and we stand a great chance of being competitive in this market. And thank you very much to our fans out there, who make it possible to work our tails off making great products for us."


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